Originally Posted by deolarte
What setting are you using? and thanks for the info.
for the overclock widget i'm using:
I always hit "detect frequencies" first, by habbit i suppose.
Min: 576000
Max: 998400
Differ Freq Screen Off: Check
screen off freq settings:
Max: 245000
Update Interval: 30sec(this doesn't matter imo tho)
Supress Notification: Check
Use your freq: Check
Auto-start on boot: Check
then i click save and done.
In Estrong Task Manager:
I ignore only important apps which makes the phone feel lightning fast without hogging memory. I don't have facebook twitter or anything, so i only ignore things like people, handcent, phone and Overclock Widget.
Also, I removed apps via adb i didnt want, like HtcTwitter(peep), HtcMusic, Flickr, HtcFootprints, and amazonmp3. These are apps which auto launch no matter what, and auto-killing them only kills them til next time your phone wakes up, basically. So removing them was best for me
Also, I keep wifi on and gps... i don't turn on BT unless i need it.
hope that helped