Originally Posted by dodge_longhorn
can i just do this to root or do i need to do the downgrade if i did the ota update???
I rooted my phone using toast method and no OTA. Once I was very comfortable w/ the process I decided to root my wife's phone. But first, just to see what would happen, I use unrevoked and did the OTA. I had several issues trying to get things to work correctly. I downgraded and everything went smoothly. I may not be necessary, but it does make it easy.
Originally Posted by tsowen
I did the OTA and then the toast root method and everything worked for me without having to do the downgrade.
I had trouble, but it may have been because I did the unrevoked method too. My issues came when I had to get into recovery mode. Might not be an issue now w/ the Auto Recovery mode that is available.
Originally Posted by Ryno_666
Im using revoked.com root and apk tether app works great. Anybody done this pros and cons? (Curious) was very easy followed on youtube.
I haven't done pros/cons, but I've noticed several people in different threads that run across problems when the phone is rooted, but their rom is not.
Doing all the steps correctly is actually very easy. I made a tutorial and youtube videos of each step.