Originally Posted by jutaejrtouch
I live in Winston Salem, NC which according to the map the entire city is 4g...ha! It's in and out everywhere for me here. I did a PRL update and experience the same results. I got the EVO for the 4g but i'm seriously considering going back to my touch pro 2!
4G is an emerging technology. I'm sure that within 12 months, the pocket of no signal where I live/work will be covered. More and more 4G towers will be added, which will make signal stronger everywhere. We evo purcharsers are beta testers for the 4G market. We are the pioneers for future generations. We will change lives!!!
Okay, enough of my motivational speech. Just be patient, and 4G will level out. Or, go back to your TP2, and wait for the 2nd generation of 4G phones to come out on Sprint.
For me, this thing is fantastic, even on *lowly* 3G. I couldn't possibly go back to my Hero. It's only going to get better from here.