02-08-2008, 10:12 AM
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Originally Posted by drurc8
Hi No2Chem:
Thank a lot for your great job on new rom 3.16 (5042), it's great rom. But, I have a quick question how can I unlock storage card? I am setting email and want to save attachment file to storage, when I check "storage", it says I have to unlock it first before I can use it. Please advise.
Once again, thank you so much for all your hard work.
Its not the store card thats locked in that option. its the extended rom.
Thank me if i help you !@#$ noobs.
Model: hTC EVO (002) ROM: MIUI 0.1.14 Launcher: ADWLauncher EX Kernel: [] Savage-Kernelv1.6-CFS-HAVS-WiMAX Recovery: ClockworkMod Baseband: