Originally Posted by clockcycle
I think I read that they can only do video conferencing via a wifi connection, correct me if I am wrong? Still will be nice, EVO and i4 being some of the only phones with the capability.
yes that's what i said, to use video calling on the iphone 4 can only be used when connected to a wifi network, here's engadget:
Originally Posted by secondtwiggy
I have a question, can you use Qik on a 3G connection? Or does it have to be 4G?
i haven't personally seen it but i thought i heard that you can
Originally Posted by ace741
Here is something funny I find about the Iphone 4. One of the big marketing points they make is the steel band around the phone acts as an antenna. So is this Apple's implied way of admitting that the bad call quality of previous Iphones were cause of hardware issues? And it took them 3 revisions to fix that LOL.
more likely its them trying to fix att's network problem for them. since apple can't fix it themselves they had to do something because the iphone was getting a bad rap because of the network, i don't know about everywhere else but i get complaints from att customers using a lot of phone models, not just the iphone