Originally Posted by kvictor017
Nah man the problem's still there. It didn't work for me. (cookie dinik version. verizon tp2)
Originally Posted by tkedch
Yes, it did work for me. Though I have to admit, i'm still behind the flashing craze that's been going on around here. I am still on 5/22, anyhow, it does work for me.
So on the bluetooth not hanging up issue... reverting to the stock BT drivers fixed the issue for 1 person. Even though it is 50% I still think that we are on to something here. I understand people are saying that they don't have issues on MM's roms but they do on NRGZ. So I would start looking at what version of BT drivers MM is using. Even copying the BT dll's from his rom and trying them on NRGZ.