Originally Posted by Mike G.
I have so many questions. The bugs are with the rom and not with MaxSense? Has MaxSense been released as a add-on? I though the thread in themes and software for that got closed with an apology saying "This thread will be obsolete, bc there will be no Cab version of MaxSesne.. Only cooked into ROMS!". I don't remember a option to switch to regular sense 2.5 to find out if it was the rom itself or the MaxSense integration and isn't the rom called "BigMaxSenseRom"? I thought that you guys hesitated to release this earlier because you didn't want the feedback of this and that is wrong with it, so you waited to drop something that STILL had many issues. If it's "the rom and not MaxSense", why did you put something so innovative on a sucky rom to show it off? Did you(or your many beta testers) not encounter the freezes and resets during months of testing? Many have in under a week of use. Why didn't it get a better build and why isn't there a regular 6.5 version. I never had a 6.5.5 rom that wasn't buggy, but this was the worst. The hard work that goes into making Manila something completely new is no simple task, but if it was just gonna be released like this, maybe it should have come out earlier to the public with a "help us find the problems so we can fix them" attitude instead of "you'll get it when you get it" because your beta testers were fanboys who were so blinded by the bling of a new toy that they search for problems, they waited to come across them. They were probably so busy showing it off to their friends(as they boasted so much on the forum), that they must have forgotten their real purpose.
Mike G,
I just don't understand the point of your post. I'm not trying to bash but you are rambling and mixing many different things together.
1. If you have been following Max's thread on XDA, you would know that Max has clearly stated that he does not intend in the near term to release MaxSense as an add-on because he believes that support would be a nightmare and he would not have time to be able to support that (his opinion and he is the expert). This was not Big's choice so why debate that issue here.
2. The operating structure on MaxSense is new. It combines concepts that have been exploited in varying degrees in other software and attempts to maintain speed and memory use (IMHO it does it well). This has lead to a variety of 'can't we do it this way?' requests in both Big's ROM and in others (NRG I believe) that are still responses to "learning" the best or better ways to use MaxSense (there may be several). I have made a couple myself. This is learning, not bugs.
3. Big tried to do a 6.5 version (by user request) but a quick adaptation of the 6.5.x version didn't work very well. He apologized and withdrew it until he could get a clean version (if that works). IMHO this is an 'attaboy' for trying to support the users requests, not a problem.
4. There have been a few bugs in the releases but nothing exceptional and certainly not to a level to support your comments about the ROM and slamming the beta testers.
5. For all your negative comments, I don't see one concrete example of all the problems that you allude to but don't list.
If you are just having a bad day, I'm sorry but your post wasn't very helpful. I don't know if I qualify as a 'fan boy' but I am not part of Big's team. I'm just another TP user looking for the best experience on my phone. Constructive criticism can be helpful but not the post you just left. Just my opinion.