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Old 06-09-2010, 07:22 PM
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Re: RS:Only UNIVERSAL Accessories?

Yeah, this irritated me when I bought my phone. I asked the guy if I could get a gift card and he said no. I replied that what good is my $20 credit if you guys don't have any accessories and he said "we have TONS of accessories."

Apparently TONS is a car charger that many people already have, and a screen protector. So I bought the car charger and will return it later for something else, but I do lose the 20% off (buying 2 accessories) because I wanted a case and screen protector (the zagg is too sticky).

What pissed me off the most is that the manager lied to me when I called before the phone came and said that they had accessories and would be getting more with the first phone shipment.
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