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Old 06-09-2010, 04:15 PM
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Re: Power button defective? Can't turn phone back on right after shut down.

Call HTC, best bet is to let them know of the issues you are having...once they get enough of the same issue reported, they will work on fixing it. Alot of people come in here and post their problems, but it never ends up getting to the correct area, which is HTC technical support.

I will supply the phone number you need to call to get these issues sorted....

HTC Customer Service/Tech Support

I found a issue on my Touch Pro 2, with the screen vibration...turn it off but the dialing still vibrated, HTC tested a phone on the spot at the Call center and noticed the same thing and reported it to the correct department.

Still post in here, but call them..they manufatured the phone, so they have the know how to fix it..

Hope that helps a bit.
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