Damn, I guess I am too slow, Hypeo beat me to it. LOL
Originally Posted by MrBeOTP2
Everyone has there own flavor that they like the best. Me personally I love the 6.5.x series ROM's so i went with Full Force. I tdoes have some bugs, but those are not Mike's fault. They are from an imcomplete OS the MS is not supoorting anymore. If you want a basic completely stable ROM go for the Official. Its Money! You will have no problems what so ever w/ it. With Special Edition it the Official with some nice dressing up, it has custom theme built it.
I would recomend jus trying each one out for a couple days and see which one you like best.
Congrats on getting your TP2 and enjoy your flashing. MM is definately my hands down fav ROM series.
Dont forget the thanks if i helped you.