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Old 06-09-2010, 10:47 AM
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Re: ░░░░ ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░ Update Available!

this is my first post so i need to say a few things then my question. 1st i have beenusing mighty on my tp and then my tp2 for a long time now. i trust his builds and i want to thank him for all his hard work. second i hope he stays with a microsoft mobile based phone cause im not a fan of the google or apple solutions (thats just me i guess)

so just like most things i decided to start posting because of a problem. for whatever erason after installing the newest mighty build on my tp2 i have a really bad mem leak. it slowly starts using more and more mem and eventually after a day or so if i dont reboot it its so slow its almost unusable. i have reloaded it with 0 apps added and i still have the issue. i do have the phone hard cabled to my car for music. i use it for vpn for work and as a phone. thats pretty much it. i was wondering if anyone else was having the issue or if there is a known fix. i did a very quick search through the forum but i didn't see anything. i want to point out that that i love this rom and even if i cant fix this its so good i will keep it. i just kinda want my cake and be able to eat it to.