Thread: It Glows
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Old 06-09-2010, 08:49 AM
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It Glows

I was in bed getting ready to go sleep, and my room is pitch dark and the only thing illuminating my room is the Evo streaming a HQ video from youtube. I was very impress with the quality, however as i turned off the screen for the night, i had noticed one particular thing. It glows!!!! Well not the phone, lol.. I noticed that the 4 touch sensitive buttons at the bottom of the phone had sorta of a a dark neon green glow to it, like the ones found on the childrens glow stickers that once its exposed to light, it gives off a slight glow. Not to seem paranoid, i had my Girlfriend look at it just to make sure i wasnt seeing things, and she saw it to. I dont know if anyone has ran into this yet or have noticed, but it seems to glow.
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