Yes it is very easy. Get your phone's MEID and Hex esn on Sprint--get signed up for sprint. Find your out what your MSL is. Should be 000000 if on cricket(if sprint tells you to do ##6digits# you will have to do ##000000# instead.
Get QPST. Read phone. Save file(always good to have qpst settings backed up. Go to and Get the Sprint EVDO 60650 prl load it in the Roam tab of Qpst. Change your cricket phone numbers to the Sprint phone numbers in the CDMA tab of QPST. Write to phone. After your phone reboots on your phone go to menu>settings>about phone>updates update prl. now in the dialer on your phone hit ##data# hit restore--this will reactivate your data services on sprint.
You have to put the Sprint prl on your phone through cdma workshop or qpst. Than you could take it to a sprint store and they can flash it and sign you up for sprint service--but you will still have to do ##data# Restore to get internet working again...
hope this helps
those are directions from that first link... that 2nd link contains the supposed PRL file... You can check into that a bit first but at least it's a start...