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Old 06-08-2010, 03:59 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 6| 21905|23569 -.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ MaxSen

Originally Posted by jrmatics View Post
i don't know if anyone has this problem, but for the past couple of 23569 roms i started having trouble charging my battery. when i plug it into the charger from the wall outlet the active sync panel shows up. the only time it charges is when my tp2 is off or connected to my computer, and even the it charges incredibly slow. i went back to stock which fixed this issue and re-downloaded 23569 june 6. cookie and cookie dinik glass and both roms gave me the same charging issue again after returning to stock fixed it. i dont know if i missed something but anyone have any ideas
You need to install the nuebattery drivers to enable "Quick Charge" ... after a fresh flash this phone's battery discharge is on avg around 300+ mA and the charger is only around 400 mA. The nuebattery drivers have a "quick charge" feature that changes the charge to 900+ mA (you have to enable this in the nuebattery settings) After a couple of minor tweaks you can get your avg battery discharge rate down to around 50 mA. Then you will be all set.

BTW - I just posted the tweaks and the nuebattery file this morning (a couple of pages back) Hint... click HERE
Calkulin's_EViO_2_ROM_v1.3 using MY ColorNClear Themes
Hit the Thanks! or your phone will turn into an iPhone and all the other kids will point and laugh at you!

Last edited by Riptide9; 06-08-2010 at 04:01 PM.
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