Anyone having issues using aftermarket wall chargers with the EVo?
So, I was on the street and picked up a $10 aftermarket micro USB charger, never had any issues using these things with any device so far. They're half the price of the "official" wall chargers out there.
Get home and when I plug the Evo into it, it charges for a split second, and then says discharging and then stops charging.
I am at a friend's house so I try his charger which is for his Samsung device from MetroPCS, just so happens to be a micro USB as well. Same thing. I tried them both on 3 different plugs. I know the "official" charger works as I try that next (wanted a charger for work as well as for home, given that yes, the battery life of this Evo blows big giant monkey chunks).
Every charger EXCEPT the official HTC charger charges for a split-second and then stops and drains the battery.
Anyone else have any issues with aftermarket chargers and the Evo?
Thanks in advance.