TypeLoadException error when trying to run Bing App (bingclient.exe)
I downloaded and installed the new Bing app for my phone. It installed, but then it won't run. It just tells me an unexpected error has occurred in BingClient.exe.
When I hit details for the error it just says:
Nothing else is in the details.
I had recently installed a Registry cleaner and cleaned the registry, but after doing so I had issues throughout my phone, I restored the registry back to the day before I ran that program.
I have also tried unistalling and reinstalling the Bing App. I also delete Net CF 3.5 and reinstalled still didn't help. I finally tried uninstalling Net CF 3.5 then installing Net CF 1.0 then Net CF 2.0 then finally Net CF 3.5, then installed back the Bing app, and still no help.
Any suggestions other than Hard Reset? Is there anyway to debug and see where the hangup is that makes it error?