Re: [6/4/2010] MikROM Final [Sense 2.5 | 21905 / 23569 | GTX / Original / MikROM Them
So if someone wants google maps to use cell tower location before gps can be locked on,(see on screen your location within 1200 m or so,and after its goin to 30- 20 meters ),just need to ad new string value name: ;Supports_extended_ril;value date: 1. with phm reg edditor to path: hklm-software-google-google maps
It is similar values locatet in same place just it is dword not the string.(thanks Sabroso)
Anyway, it it the best rooms to date for our diamonds...thanks!
Last edited by trakas; 06-07-2010 at 10:45 PM.