Ok my friends.
Rarring up the kitchen now.
Made some changes to the packages so it should cook updated roms with new Cookie Home tab and editor.
Have not tested all roms or kitchen after updates.
I have included ALL erv files for all my current/updated roms.
Select any saved rom and load it into the kitchen.
Hit create and then let it run.
Once it is done it will launch the page pool app and then the flash util for you.
That is all you have to do.
Feel free change packages to your hearts content.
I will offer help if you need it.
My hopes are that you guys can take this and learn from it and then release your own roms to help others.
Give back to the community and make friends as I have.
You have all been great and I thank you for your support.
Am not going anywhere so don't fret.

Getting a new device but I will be around.
Hit me up if you need me.