Re: <> 5-28-2010 <> Medium Hill ROM's
One thing that can cause keyboards to pop up that we as end users can not fix is the way certain apps are programmed. Groovemobile is a good example for instance. Say ur listening to a song and the tap the top taskbar to drop down the menu. The keyboard pops back up, why does it pop up? Well, when u click on the taskbar, you are sending that app to the background and the drop down menu/taskbar becomes the new form. When u change forms and go back to the original, the keyboard might pop up if the app is thinking it is being refreshed because when you select back to groovemobile, that now becomes the new form just like the keyboard is active when u start the app. So basically in that type of situation, no reg edit will ever fix it, its just the way it was coded and the way wm handles forms.
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