Re: Is there a Remote Desktop HOW TO thread?
I would love to be able to do this option. Ive been searchin for someway to control my pc remotely. Ive been told it cant be done with vista home through remote desktop. oddly enough i been on this same path with the vnc viewer for awhile. but The phone never connects. Ive done The same thing as above, except when i put 2 colons in, i get "authentication scheme unknown". but if i use 1, it will say connecting to vnc for about 2 minutes, and finally times out, my connection goes away, and it stalls. If i try and open it back up, it wont launch. Along with my phone is very boggy until i shut it off. Anything im missing? Ive played with the firewall settings, although i dont really know what im doin there, but i cant get it to work for nothin. same thing everytime.
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