4G Issues and Resolutions Post Here
MOD EDIT: Lets try to set this up to be a bit more useful.
So as not to bury information on establishing, utilizing, fixing, figuring things out.. .re: 4G and who/what areas do or do not have 4G and what speeds.. lets split it up.
Post here for scenario A: establishing, utilizing, fixing, figuring things out about how to do it all 4G
Post in the other sticky for scenario B: All discussion related to who has/doesn't have 4G, when its coming to where, and how fast/slow it works.
Thanks!! Eenie!
Hi everyone hope you are enjoying your evo. I live in nashville tm and their is 4G in my area and around town. Now with that said I will get to my question for you when I call sprint because my phone won't connect to 4G they tell me its not up and running in Nashville but my phone shows that there is 4G available and my wife and friends Evo connects to 4G They called and sprint turned on their 4G service but when I called they said that I am not on their 4G map
My question is does any know how to turn 4G on or does sprint have to do it
Last edited by eenieMINI; 06-10-2010 at 10:53 PM.