Re: 4/20-FearlessROM-2.5/Dusk,WinDroid,GTX Themes/DualBoot-Android Tutorial/21901,235
i just wish i wouldn't hate linux so much...
anyways... thanks for the cookie mod update info.
ill be putting up a bunch of packages that i used in my final roms... 90%-99% of them are the newest ones that are out there as of today.
a lot of 2014... and manila also... with some changes i made in the lua code to stop looking for diff resolutions and such... (for examp... manila packages from leo looks to see if the device is hvga or wvga and manila files from tp2 look to see if its topaz or tp2... or even searching for vga mode which doesn't actually exist yet)
anyways.. feel free to use them if u need.

If you like my work feel free to buy me some pencils
