Re: EVO not WORTH the switch
I would ditch the tp2 for a faster snapdragon Proc win mob phone for sprint but it will be awhile.The TP2 has not been out that long.And the whole point of this thread when i started it was the worth.I should have put $$$'s cause that is my point.
2 things make me not get a EVO
1.Slingbox got to have it no if and or butts.
2.Price for a new plan.I pay right now after discounts 140$ per month for 7 lines with every perk you can think of and more.When i call into sprint and ask them they look at my plan and say i would never give it up.
The only way i could add one would be to open a new plan and have 2 plans on my account.I have unlimited spending and been with sprint for over 10 years.
So when they come out with a new windows mobile phone ill be there.