Originally Posted by rydah805
Title Says It All!!! Enjoy It. Wish I Had One But I Can Wait A Week. (Its My High School Graduation) I Did Have An Upgrade Available But Sprint Some How ****ed Me Over For My Upgrade And Its Almost Obvious. =/
So What Do You Like The Most About Your New Evo???
Back in November radio shack messed up my upgrade eligibility. A manager applied a palm pre to my account instead of daughters line. Didn't realize it till I tried to preorder my Evo. I called telesales and they said they fixed it. 7am Friday morning I went to radio shack, got the last Evo they had, but when they tried to activate it, they said I didn't have an upgrade available. Had to stay on the phone with Sprint for 4hrs talking to 5 different supervisors and managers. At long last they fixed the issue, after b**tching and arguing forever. Anyway long story short, call em,scream at em, cry, do whatever, it was worth the fight! This phone is awesome!