I'm having problems and problems with my new Touch Pro 2 (Sprint).
I had bought the original Touch Pro back on October 31st 2008 and absolutely loved the device. Ran the stock ROM well past the warranty coverage... primarily due to being inexperienced at ROM flashing. That all changed after I flashed my first NRG ROM on it. Now I feel like an addict.
The Touch Pro 2 is supposed to be an upgrade over the original, but the reliability is so atrocious, I'm surprised HTC was willing to put their name on the phone.
First, it was the official 6.5 ROM update... that sucked. On the original Touch Pro, I could leave PockeTwit running for days it seemed. Now, on the Touch Pro 2, no matter what ROM I run, so much as changing tabs on Sense
seems to kill any and most all background apps. Opera...
I love the "Opera Link" function, but the memory requirements and/or the crappy memory sub-system of this device doesn't handle it well at all.
My last couple ROM flashes have been preceded by a Task29 flash to clear everything out.
I've been bouncing between the following ROM's:
Memory problems were most apparent, but I've since changed my usage mentality. As-in, started using the Twitter tab in Sense in-place of PockeTwit.
Currently using due to severe lock up problems in May 28th ROM, but Sense seems to lock up shortly after boot up if using the Twitter tab.
This ROM seemed to be nice and fast, but I was dealing with some pretty bad lock up issues right after boot up, and since I use my phone for my alarm to wake up for work, that's a bad thing. Again, I have been modifying my usage trying to isolate the problem, so I'm not entirely sure it was the ROM's fault.
It seems I'm screwed in regards to being able to fallow Twitter on the go. PockeTwit either gets closed for who knows what reason, or the Sense Twitter tab seems to crash Manilla.
To the more experienced users out there, does anything stand out in a way to say, "if you do this, you'll likely get your Touch Pro 2 to be reliable like the original" ???
I remember reading a post on one of the blogs a week or 2 ago about a HD2 owner talking about how he/she finally loved the device. They were saying that at first, the device was horrible, unreliable and slow, "like the Touch Pro 2". But a recent custom ROM made the device suddenly work just right. I didn't see anything about what ROM.
I suppose I could keep going on and on about how much of a disappointment this device has been so far, but I honestly believe that the problem is not related, so to speak to the fact that I'm running a "custom ROM". The stock 6.5 ROM was just as bad at memory management and had less "features" when compared to one of NRG's Cookie ROMs.
I guess I can only hope that someday a ROM will come, when all the stars have been aligned perfectly,
that will let me use my device the way, (although possibly mis-guided) I think I should be able to... or maybe it's better to say, how I've become a-custom-ed to using.
Sorry to be so long-winded, but at my wits-end in regards to getting a device that should be great, to operate as such.