Originally Posted by maisonpulaski
I hope you understand that when I mentioned a ."cab repository" I was not expecting you to host anything. I simply meant creating a folder on Hotfile where people could go and get some of the basic .cabs.
I knew exactly what you were talking about, but at some point I need to draw a line in the sand. I hope you understand that. If I dont I will be creating ROMs for every taste, and at that point you might as well learn how to use a kitchen...lol!
I always wanted a ROM that allowed me the flexibility to add what I wanted. By cooking in apps that some people dont, or will not use, wastes alot of memory. I am working that philosophy by breaking apart some of the Sense add-ins, so people who dont want Twitter, FB, Docviewer, eReader, and Footprints dont pay the penalty. Those who want it can install a cab that I create that ensures it all works together.
Now with that information you should understand why I will make Sashimi available in the next ROMs. You will have the capability to add your own cabs, exes, regs, etc by using Sashimi. No need to cook it all!