My EVO Horror story
I pre-ordered the EVO from radio shack a few weeks back, read the forums here everyday and was totally syched up getting ready to play with my new EVO yesterday. I was at radio shack at 8:50 even though they didnt open til 9.
Heres where my problem started, my phone wasnt upgradeable, got the TP2 in January but my daughters phone was, she is a junior in college. So I get the phone activated and was back home by 10 am, again looking forward to playing with my new EVO. When I get home my daughter says she needs to use the phone for a bit, so I give her the EVO, it is still on her number and decide to go to work for a few, I needed to get a few thing done anyways, even though I was going to ignore that and mess around with the EVO.
I come home from work and of coarse my daughter loves the phone, doesnt want to give it up. So being the Dad I have always been I let her keep it and now I am back on my TP2 and I still cant get the phone away from my daughter to check it, she thinks I will tranfer numbers if I look at it for very long. So ends my EVO horror story, let that be a lesson to all the dads out there who have spoiled their daughters.