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Old 06-05-2010, 10:52 AM
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Re: Success!!!! Keeping SERO $49 plan!!!!!!

Originally Posted by ridleyj329 View Post
i could be completely off base here but this topic seems to be going waaay off course by way of caring or not caring who someone is or isnt. personaly i think forums are meant to be anonymous so that people can "practically" say and do what they want with no hard feelings. if we all wanted to become personal chums then wed all meet up somehow and go out for some cold ones.. sorry just had to get that off my chest.
so you don't wanna be my friend ??

haha jk

but seriously forums is for communication between people, it's impossible that people aren't gonna get personal about certain things. and eventually someone is gonna befriend someone, and someone is gonna hate that someone. it happens, no way to stop it.
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