Originally Posted by Mswezey
haha evidently you couldn't tell, but i was sincere about seeing that pic. And no were did i say those pics were fake. But its good to know that I can still strike a nerve in an old fart
but yeah, nice way to get anal about it 
Okay, here are a few, but you have NO IDEA, I even met Robert Kennedy in 1968 2 weeks before he was shot in LA. There is nothing you, or anyone else here, could do, that would overly impress me. So here are a few photos, let me know what you want on the piece of paper, along with my face, to prove it's me. BTW, I'm not a little chickenshit who tries to hide who they are. I'm the type of guy who would post his address and hope somebody tries to wrong me. Get my drift? I'm not a little squirt rap guy, but I do like to run into them when they think they are tough.........
Okay, I ran out of upload room, so I'll give you 3 of me with Ali just before he went to meet Saadam and got some hostages out before the first Guld War, and NO, these weren't in public, they were in his Hotel room:
With Rosie:
With Evander Holyfield and my wife:
Just a sample. Good luck if you want to play in my ballpark. And again, let me prove it's me. Tell me want you want the paper to say, and I'll take a photo. And don't worry, I already know who everyone is.............