Originally Posted by ridleyj329
so let me get this straight... if sprint doesnt let you keep the sero with the evo youll "settle" for a new plan of comparable price and value? wouldnt that kind of defeat the purpose of them making some of us change plans? at that rate they may as well let you keep your sero. then again this IS all hypothetical until you get the phone.
Not really, because it puts an end to the SERO account, and the matching of the price, 2 years from now at the latest. If we "camp on our SERO", and keep using qualified phones (even if she keeps finding old Moguls or other qualified phones for 20 years, or keeps using TEP to replace failed/broken/lost phones), I think they are stuck with leaving her plan alone indefinitely. That is how SERO works. That is why they want to get people off of it so bad. It's like Rent Control lol