Originally Posted by Boo Boo
yeap i have always left bluetooth on for headset. never an issue with my tp2 still got a day or more out of standby.
should have given a 2gb card with the evo and thrown in a spare battery. though I am not sure about the red color.
this thing needs a 3000mAh battery to last a day if lucky.
i'm trying it on standby while I sleep and see what the power is when I wake up.
maybe if they launch froyo soon it will fix the extensive drain.
I have 30 days to try it. so if I don't sell my tp2 maybe I'll go back and wait. there are some good things with android over winmo but as far as a buisnesss customer I dont see the differences so far.
I hate linking to another forum but I know this one has helped a lot of Evo users