Originally Posted by ridleyj329
if it works it will certainly open a big a** can of worms
True, maybe they'll offer some compensating discounts for the length of the contract, and then be able to be free of it (unless she run out-of-contract again)
Originally Posted by Konfuzion
Isnt gonna happen I had a similar thing with my Hero and they wouldnt activate the phone unless I changed my plan. So I was able to order the phone and have it shipped but once I had the phone I couldnt activate it. So untill you have it and its activated you have not succeeded.
My wife is happy enough with her Mogul to not cave in, and will enlist me to help fight this tooth and nail, especially if the phone is in hand through normal channels, charged to her credit card, and with the wording "Keep Existing Plan", and they won't activate it (if not under SERO, at least for the same price). This would be a breach of contract. I'm pretty sure we'd win.