Originally Posted by zim2323
I am seriously going crazy/nuts here. I have been trying to find some answers to a couple questions I have and I am striking out everywhere I look, even the main product page!
1) Where in the h-e-double-hockey-sticks do you purchase this GPS software. Tons of information on the website, but absolutely no "Buy Here", or "click Here to purchase" links. I did find the iGO8 site, but it says nothing about the "new(?)" version.
iGO My Way: http://igomyway.com/windowsmobile/en/overview.html
2) Is iGO8 = iGO My Way 2009 for Windows Mobile???
I've tried the "unofficial" product and like it, minus the fact the "unofficial" version doesn't seem to work with Contact import. I want to purchase the full product to see if Contact support actually does or doesn't work.
Thanks for any help!
yeah they look the same to me..
even ii searches on the net..the interface and engine all appear to be the same..
but nav n go site says that this version is for iphone .. i think the igo my way brand name is for iphone and the igo8 is the windows mobile version.. so don't worry they both are the same.. infact when you run igo8 the splash screen says igo my way .....