Originally Posted by BGGDGG
I think i can help.. You need to get together all the ringtones, alerts, & alarms on your computer.. Create a folder named Media.. Inside the Media folder, create three more folders named, Notifications, Alerts, & Alarms.. Place all your ringtones in the Notifications folder.. All your alerts for text messages go in the Alerts folder.. All your Alarms sounds go in the Alarms folder.. Plug your EVO into your computer, select Disk Drive on your hand set.. Open up the Phone files,, copy (or move) the Media folder to the other files on the phone.. RESET.. Good To GO..
Did what he said, but make a "Ringtones" folder and put the ringers you want in there and put your messaging ringtones in Notifications. Not sure what to put in the other two just yet, but I'm gonna play around with it and see. I'm new to Android and I'm learning just like I did when I first got my TP!