Originally Posted by BLawicki
Not sure How many of you here are familiar with the Advantage club, but I have had this particular plan for over 5 years...needless to say LOVE IT. I have used everything from Old flips to TP2's to even the Palm PRE with no issues. Got my hands on an EVO. Will not let me use the advantage club (so says the website). I find it tough to get off a 30 dollar plan, on to a 90 some dollar plan after ins/data. Any Ideas or input? (As I sit and STARE at this awesome WIFI device hahaha) TIA~!
My baby. (it's like one of those 3rd world country commercials...if you see it...the despair may spark an idea!)
It's just the price you are going to have to pay to be able to use it, sprint know's people are going to pay for it just to have the 4G and the hottest phone on the market right now. so now you have to ask your self is having that phone worth the more expensive plan or take it back to the store.