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Old 06-04-2010, 03:01 PM
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Re: Text Messaging on EVO

I researched it and it's something to do with google android phones (which the evo is one).
I found version 3.0 apk file! the current version is 3.0.3, but I can't find it.

1. download file (below)
2. transfer the file to your evo storage card (with usb cable)
3. download "apps installer" from market (the program icon looks like this: )
4. open apps installer and it will automatically read your storage card and have handcent 3.0 right there!
5. click it to install and that's it!!


I'm hosting the file until the app becomes available on the market place:

Last edited by slow4g63; 06-04-2010 at 03:19 PM. Reason: switched link to my personal hosting
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