got that white case with chrome trim at sprint store today and its only like $14 if you have a 25% off or buy two acessories and get 20% both or get lucky and get a combo like i did and get 45% off! and i can say that the case i got protects the lens as its rasied well over the camera so i feel safe and the body glove one and the multicolored ones did as well heres the pics of the ones they are selling at sprint stores

The ones posted above is a set. Its is two separate pieces and has 4 pieces total for $24.99 at sprint store. You get the 1 and only 1 right piece which is solid black and you get 3 left side pieces that are Grey, Blue, and Red. Not too bad if you're someone who likes to change up colors but youre always stuck with the black piece. Doesnt feel as well built as the other two im listing but out of all three these are the least bulky hard cases.
The white one is the one i bought and currently is on my EVO and it looks pretty sick IMO. The white/chrome trim case is VERY sturdy and has plenty of room to protect the camera and feel easy about setting youre phone on its back but its still vulnerable if maybe a small rock or something but use the kickstand if youre that paranoid or use an old unused screen protector but whose to say camera quality wont be decreased. no review on that yet. Its also one piece so you just snap the phone in and out, and its snug and doesn't move around. This white one is also almost totally lined with felt which made me feel like my phone was going to be a lil better protected as far as the back cover and sides are concerned from scratching etc... The only thing is that it has a similar pattern like a weave similar to carbon fiber... it wouldah been sick if they did that to this. It is a little more bulky but i wouldn't pass it off and at least try it out before you buy it. The white one is price at $14.99
The black case shown is the body glove case and im sure you've seen the review -->
and the camera protection is around the same as the white one. This one is also bulky and pretty much the same thing as the white one except its black and no trim... and it is two pieces... the top piece seems like it could break easy since its thin and small. this one sells for $24.99.
I got the white one cause its looks like the best protection for the least amount. I may return it if otterbox comes out with one cause i know that will be pretty sick... Seido cases are meh to me but thats my opinion.
There are also gel covers but they dont give me enough protection with the camera.