First, thanks to dsixda for the Android kitchen, HUGE thanks to Aamikam for the rebuilt/tweaked base, thanks to Tmartin & Myn for all the help

, and thanks to Toast for the ROOT!
OMJ's EVO 2.2 FroYo v4.6
Deodexed w/ Stock Kernel
(If you get garbage on the Download link, right click on the link, save as)
OMJ's EVO 2.2 FroYo v4.6
Odexed w/ Stock Kernel
(If you get garbage on the Download link, right click on the link, save as)
3/29 Updates v4.6
-Based on Aamikam's 4.6 reEngineered/Optimized base (Thx Aamikam!)
-Both ROMs have same mods, 4N1 Reboot menu, Battery %, Transparent curtain, Hotspot, Power Widgets
-Base ROM included Lockscreen Settings app
-Removed ROM Manager (no longer supported)
-Updated Titanium Backup to
-Updated Wireless Tether to 2.0.8-pre1
-Updated Google Maps to 5.2.1
-Updated Gmail to
-Added Mybackup Root
1/23 Updates v4.5 DEODEXED ONLY
-Based on Aamikam's 4.4 base (Thx Aamikam!)
-Updated ROM Manager to
-Updated Titanium Backup to
-Updated Wireless Tether to 2.0.6
-Added SD card speed fix (in Kernel) (Thx lahma69!)
This ROM is using updater-script so the flashing process will look alot different
When Flash is complete, the phone may not respond, not sure resolve, simply remove battery, then power up.
There are alot of things I changed in the base, but also some things I left alone. One big change is Aamikam moved many of the ringtones, wallpapers, alarms & notifications to \sdcard\Removed_Ringtones_And_Notifications_Sounds , this will save alot of space. Also, he moved more apps to \sdcard\Removed_Apps, I moved a few back but left most of them there.
12/30 Updates v4.4 DEODEXED ONLY
-Updated base by Aamikam (further tweaked, apk compression)
-Fixed force close issue @ menu/settings/wireless & networks/mobile networks
12/28 Updates v4.3 DEODEXED ONLY
-Based on Aamikam's tweaked 3.70 base (very fast, thx Aamikam!)
-Updated Quickboot to 4.1
-Updated Titanium Backup to
-Updated ROM Manager to
-Updated Wifi Tether to 2.0.5-RC2
-Added Power widget (included w/ base, thx Aamikam)
-Added Cache cleaner (included w/ base, thx Aamikam)
-Added DSP Manager (included w/ base, thx Aamikam)
-Added Spare Parts (included w/ base, thx Aamikam)
-Added ES File Explorer (included w/ base, thx Aamikam)
-Added Apps2sd (included w/ base, thx Aamikam)
-Added Hulu
-Removed Blockbuster
-Removed Kindle
-Removed NOVA
-Removed Qik
-All removed apps are now copied to /sdcard/removed_apps (thx Aamikam)
12/21 Updates v4.2 DEODEXED ONLY
-Added 1% battery (thx Thatoneuser)
-Added 4n1 reboot menu (thx Thatoneuser)
-Added MMS Compression fix (thx Calkulin)
-Added USB disable debug notification (thx Calkulin)
-Added Hotspot USB tethering fix (thx Calkulin)
-Updated Google Maps to 5.0.0
-Updated ROM Manager to
-Updated Titanium backup to 3.6.5
12/15 Updates v4.1
-Based on 3.70.651.1 RUU
-Updated Gmail to 2.3.2
-Updated Facebook to 1.5.0
-Updated Titanium Backup to
-Updated QuickBoot to 4.0
-Updated ROM Manager to
-Updated Market to 2.2.6
-Updated Wifi Tether to 2.0.5-RC1
-Removed Wimax notifier app
11/17 Updates v4.0
-Based on 3.30.651.3 RUU
-Updated Google Maps to 4.7.0
-Updated Qik to 4.60.2
-Updated Facebook to 1.4.1
-Updated Titanium Backup 3.6.0
-Updated Rom Manager
11/15 Updates v3.9
-based on 3.30.651.3 ROM
-Updated Wifi Tether to 2.0.5 pre13
-Added Flip clock from HTC Desire
(Deodexed only)
-Added 1% battery icon
(Deodexed only)
-Added Wimax notifier app
-No Apps2sd
11/1 Updates v3.8x ONLY
-Added Wifi Tether 2.0.5 pre11
-Removed Apps2sd
-Updated Voicemail to T. (speech-to-text)
-Updated 4 n 1 Reboot
10/29 Updates v3.8
-Added Apps2sd
(Deodexed ROM only)
-Added modified Sprint Hotspot (Thanks Myn!)
(Deodexed ROM only)
-Added Custom reboot menu
(Deodexed ROM only)
-Added MMS 5MB limit (Thanks Myn!)
-Added MMS Compression fix (Thanks Calkulin!)
(Deodexed ROM only)
-Added USB Tether fix (Thanks Calkulin & Amikam!)
(Deodexed ROM only)
-Updated Google Maps to 4.6.0
-Updated Gmail to 2.3
-Updated Facebook to 2.3
-Updated Palringo to 100.1.0
-Updated Rom Manager to
-Updated Titanium Backup to
-Updated Flash Player (Thanks KarlE)
-Updated YouTube (Thanks KarlE)
-Removed Wifi Tether
(Deodexed ROM only)
10/26 Updates v3.7
-Based on leaked RUU 3.30.651.2
-removed HTC Mobile Guide
-removed Sprint apps
10/15 Updates v3.6
-built from stock RUU from HTC
-updated Wifi Tether to 2.0.5-pre11
-removed FM radio
-removed Footprints
-removed HTC Mobile Guide
-removed Newsreader
-removed RSS
-removed Qik
-removed Stocks
-removed Sapphire themed ROM (boot looping)
9/25 Updates v3.5
-Removed app2sd, due to breaking wifi tether
-Added Sapphire themed ROM
9/23 Updates v3.4
-Added app2sd
-Added Odexed version
9/23 Updates v3.3
-Based on the new OTA 3.29.651.5 ROM (thanks Myn)
-Stock Kernel
-Removed the Calkulin tweaks
-Removed app2sd
-Includes updated apps from v3.2
-Included working epst.apk
9/19 Updates v3.2
-Based on the leaked OTA 3.28.651.6 ROM (thanks SteelH & Flipz)
-Updated to Wifi Tether 2.0.5_pre9
-Updated to Google Maps 4.5.0 #4519
-Added Calkulin's_EVO_2.2_Disable_USB_Debugging_Notificat ion (Thx Calkulin)
-Added Calkulin's_EVO_2.2_MMS_5MB_Limit (Thx Calkulin)
-Added Calkulin's_EVO_2.2_MMS_Compression_Fix (Thx Calkulin)
-Added Calkulin's_EVO_2.2_USB_Tethering_Fix (Thx Calkulin)
-Included Appds2SD support
I stayed w/ the stock kernel because of the great reviews of good battery life.....we'll see.
Several of the stock apps have been updated, you can see the list in
SteelH's thread. FYI- I did remove the Sprint apps that I always remove.
8/30 Updates v3.1
-Updated to KingKlick's BFS #6 Custom Kernel
-Updated Wifi Tether to 2.0.5_pre8
-Updated Superuser
-Updated Gmail to 2.2.1
-Added Appds2SD support
8/13 Updates v3.0
-Added Sprint Promotion
-Fixed EPST
-Updated to Netarchys Kernel 4.0.3a
-Updated Wifi Tether to 2.0.5_pre7
8/5 Updates PPCG
-PPCG Wallpaper
-PPCG Keyboard skin
-Netarchy 3.7.8b Custom Kernel
-Wifi Tether 2.0.5_pre6
Includes same apps/tweaks from v2.1 ROM
Keyboard needs to be activated, then selected
8/3 Updates v2.1
-Android 2.2 FroYo!!!!
-based on latest Official OTA update 3.26.651.6 (
THANKS Netarchy!!!)
-zipaligned apks
-removed Sprint Nascar
-removed Sprint Navigation
-removed Sprint NFL
-removed Sprint Promotion
-removed Sprint TV
-removed Sprint TV Widget
-removed Amazon MP3
-removed Bootup Sounds
-added Wifi Tether 2.0.5 pre2
-added ROM Manager
-added Titanium Backup 3.3.5
-added Advanced Task Killer 1.9.1
-added Android Mate 1.1.5
-added Chrome2Phone
-added Quickboot
-added PPCGeeks quicklink
-updated Google Maps to 4.4.0
-changed default ringtone
-changed default notification sound
-changed default internet homepage (Google)
Q: Streaming Music is bad
A: Follow this
guide. This should fix Pandora, but will have adverse affects on Yahoo Music.