Originally Posted by mshnayde
Is the 6.5 ROM up as well ? Can't seem to find the link.
Thanks amikam.
6.5 has been up for like 2-3 hours now... i had some issues with 6.5.x... i think i took a bad flash way too serious..
anyways... uploading 6.5.x right now...
but only mikrom theme right now... sorry.
original and gtx will showup a little later... all ive been doing lately is porting the newest packages i could find of manila... and i learned that 2015 should be up soon... but i won't be around to care so much cuz im moving to the evo in less than a week... so my testing has been on 6.5 sys only and i never took the time to modify other themes and sys's... which im doing now... but it takes a good 30min to an hour to compress about 3000 images and put them back in place.