Originally Posted by amikam
that many of u guys are actually doing the "black friday" thing on this... cool.
i knew it was gonna be big... but that much big... its not like they giving it away for free.
im sticking with with it getting delivered on monday... maybe jmz would have a kitchen ready by then.
i think me like most of u guys never stick around on anything "stock" for more than a day.the sooner u get it the more time "stock" will stick around... thats my logic on it... but u guys must really like your toys. cool.
Some of us who have had it for a week or 2 are getting ready for the next greatest phone lol j/k
On a side note, I saw someone post about his brand new TP2 in that forum a day or 2 ago, just in time for many of us to abandon that forum. Soon it will be like trying to get an answer about your new Apache