Originally Posted by WarChild
I knew you could watch it on the computer...lmao I meant on the phone... I wounder how well it would work with my XBox I have netfilx on it.
If your last phone wouldn't connect with an XBox, this one may. I couldn't get the Roku to connect despite trying for hours, multiple programs, all the different settings, etc. While the default settings didn't work on the Roku box with the Evo, my next choice worked, and the rest of the story speaks for itself. This is another case of folks saying there was no use trying, 3G was too slow, and they were wrong. Reminds me of the early Mogul days, when some know-it-alls tore the Mogul apart and "proved" (with photos, etc.) that there was no GPS capability in there, and that we had all been lied to by the phone companies about the Mogul having GPS. of course, they were wrong, and so were the folks that said 3G was too slow for streaming Netflix through a Roku box. I can't say if 3G will be fast enough for gaming, since the only "gaming" I'm into is poker. In fact, I have no idea what an XBox or any of the others even looks like.