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Old 06-03-2010, 09:17 PM
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Re: All 4G EVO Best Buy Pre-order Discussions Here

Originally Posted by elpres81 View Post
For anyone paying full price ($449 with price match) wouldn't it be better to just buy it as a new line ($199) and then cancel your pre-existing line and pay the ETF ($200)? The only negative I see from this would be getting a new number, but that doesn't matter to me.
Here's the problem with that plan. To do this you would have to wait until after 30 days. If you cancel before 30 days you are required to return the phone. After 30 days you will have to pay for a month of service plus ETF so it adds up to more than $449.

$199.99 EVO + 69.99 MRC + $10 "EVO fee" + $200 ETF = $479.98 + taxes, fees, surcharges, activation, etc, etc, etc.
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