Originally Posted by geedubya15
Okay, thanks a bunch. Really appreciate it. Yeaa, I just got off the phone with a sprint Rep and they said the same thing. Is there any way around this additional $10 a month. I dont even care/want to use the phone with 4G.
If no, do you think in the soon upcoming months Sprint may take off the requirement of the $10 a month for premium data, cause if so, I may just wait to purchase the Evo. Dont know if thats something they would do though.
First, your plan is fine like you were told. Second, there is NO way to have an EVO activated without that $10 add-on soc attached to your account. When we activate it in the system, that code is automatically added, and if we try to remove it we just get errors all day long. Whether or not your going to use the 4G, because the $10 isn't for 4G...is coded as a premium date charge due to how much data the EVO will use. I'm not in a 4G market and it gets tacked on.
And with all of the other carriers switching to tiered data pricing, and Sprint staying unlimited, I don't see anyway that they would removed that code down the road. No proof of this whatsoever, but its my feelings. We also haven't been hearing anything from the higher ups about removing it. Take it or leave it I guess.