Re: Setting the bar to high
I say yes some people are but im not. As much as im anticipating this phone Im going in with realistic expectations. Yes the specs are sick but no device is perfect and the first batch of any new device will always have glitches and im prepared for that. I know this device wont replace my laptop, camera or even my ipod. (the battery life will be bad enough without me using it as my music player too). either way i am excited for tomorrow.
sidenote: I finally held a dummy Evo today at the Shack and the thing is huge. I remember a few years it was all about the smallest and thinnest device now its going back the other way lol
another sidenote: Mods i hope there is going to be a "got my Evo" sticky thread tomorrow to avoid everyone who picked it up making a new thread about it.
Last edited by karong; 06-03-2010 at 04:16 PM.