Bored so i thought i'd post some up, may have been posted already.
HD2Tweak - like HD Tweak but works better with TP2 and Sense 2.5
HTCZip - to unzip files on my TP2
Bubble Breaker Fixed - a version of bubble breaker that works with MightyRom Full Force and i'm sure other 6.5.x roms
StopWatch - a version of stopwatch that includes a timer...does everything i want it to with a very clean look
ZoomBarPlus - enables the zoombar to scroll up and down in several applications without affecting others that actually require a zoombar like opera (Still in Beta but works fine imo)
Conflipper North America Weather - Enables the choice of every single US city in the weather tab
MailAccountRepair - when backing up with Sprite or SPB it can create the phantom email account you cant edit so this fixes it
(dont remember where i found it)