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Old 06-02-2010, 02:04 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Had to go back a couple of pages to find your issue... should've quoted it That sound like the rootfs isn't named properly or something... did you update the package at all or just download the one file and unzip that to your card? You did say you're just using the complete package, but maybe you tried to update it and didn't rename the files? The rootfs should just be 'rootfs.img', the zImage should be just that - zImage w/o any file extension. Modules will have a bunch of letters & numbers after it, those are fine - leave 'em.

If you didn't update and you are just using the AIO format your SD card with the HP tool. Then try again with the AIO from this post, or you can also update it if you wish.

Yea, and people can also search on their own... Took me 2 seconds. You could have just not posted at all, but you chose to.

i just downloaded the file and unzipped it to my card. the instructions on the first page said to do just that. the rootfs file was just that, no .img file extention..... changed it around but it's still not working

here's what it says on the "command prompt thing" (this is the last few lines)

"welcome to vogue linux
running an fsck on the SD card
dos fsck 3.0.1, 23 nov 2008. FAT32 LFN
/dev/block/mmcbIk0pl: 700 files, 18762/249040 clusters
failed to find the rootfs on SD card. you need to unzip a rootfs
zip file to the root of the SD card"

i take it formatting my SD card will make me lose all my data, correct?

thanks again
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