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Old 02-06-2008, 12:43 AM
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Post CAB's to restore clean rom to goodness

Here are the cabs that all requested,
and yes they have all been tested.
Use these to restore a clean ROM to might
I guarantee it will work without a fight.

Please alert me to anything I may have missed,
I know if I were you I would be pissed.
So accept my humble apologies and message away,
and I will do my best without delay.

So all the cab files are enclosed inside the zip,
downloadable to your device likety-split.

You will find all the files in the succeeding posts,
and with that, I say adios.

--and keep the rhyme going--

BatteryAndPerformanceHack - Cody's tweaks for enabling power management and glyph cache
ClearTemp - Program used for cleaning out IE and Windows cache, speeding up and maintaining device
HHCv10b5 - HTC Home Customizer V1.0beta5, Used to customize the HTC Home plugin
CubeConfig4.1 - Used to configure the TouchFLO cube, awesome program
HTC Calculator Skin - A skin that looks similar to the stock Touch dialer for the built in calculator
Attached Files
File Type: zip (949 Bytes, 184 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip (24.7 KB, 116 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip (2.01 MB, 200 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip (1.08 MB, 189 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip HTC Calculator (56.6 KB, 162 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by rdwing; 02-06-2008 at 01:21 AM.