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Old 06-01-2010, 02:08 AM
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Re: major issue when evo comes out!!

Originally Posted by Mswezey View Post
Again, I wasn't trying to be a **** in the first place and I'm not now. But if you you're going to try the attempt to correct me; do it right.
A semicolon can't be used there because "Do it right" cannot stand as an independent clause. It also is not an elliptical clause because of it's lack of a finite verb. The direct object of 'it' IS capable of becoming the predicate of an elliptical clause had you said something like ...correct me; correct me properly... At that point it could stand as a independent elliptical clause because the excluded words do not effect the understanding of the sentence in context were it required to be separated for whatever reason. Using the 'it', were we to separate it, than 'it' would become meaningless while still being the D/O of DO. Close but no Cigar.

But regardless of English.

It's common knowledge that Clear/Sprint throttle and even block certain ports on 4G, but it's still damn quick. Especially here in Portland, perhaps we're special because we were the first 4G city in the U.S.
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