Originally Posted by dapbmonkey4u
Hmmm look at that...I loaded the new 6.5x rom and did my little(literal) flash dance and I got the flamerise theme once I did the provisioning....hmmm Suck it Straitup and go back to flashing school
awwww someone deserves a hug and a cookie!! also give yourself a pat on the back for 3 pointless post
don't know how to flash eh? guess thats the best you could come up with..........gee only 1/3 of my rep is from helping ppl with flashing issues yet i can't seem to do it for myself? lmao nice try but you may want to try again and not make 3 pointless post in the process
seriously though it really didn't change after provisioning,i don't care that it did for you my point is that it didn't for me and another vzw user,im gonna try todays update soon and will try yet again,i didn't even know it was supposed to change,after the first 3 i thought it was like that by default,looking forward to your next helpful hint