are people still actively working on decompiling the rhodium/topaz drivers?
are they different/do they handle sound differently?
and what specific DLLs am I to focus on.
I'm in the middle of pulling the trigger on outsourcing it to to some chinese devs who claim experience with ARM Assembly, developing for mobile platforms/etc. Gonna interview them more thoroughly after I get a better idea of the issue in question. this work they will do will have to be limited to the reverse engineering/decompiling of the .dlls as obviously they won't have the hardware or anything like that to test with.
Want to make sure i'm not duplicating work being done/almost done already.. I'm putting $500 on it for now. although in two months i'll be able to put more $ on the comission. (speaking of which I'm willing to pay that $500 if someone on here manages to to do it and find out what the hang up in the driver is.)
I figure chinese devs have access to resources we don't (in terms of chinese community dev-forums and being able to read white-papers/etc that may be in chinese and not in english.)
so I need to know Do I give them Topaz driver or Rhodium driver?
does anyone know where I can find a comprehensive white paper/documentation of the chipset archictecure for the phone?
I've been playing with the EVO. It would be perfect if it had a hardware keyboard.
sigh. not one decent snapdragon wvga keyboard cdma slider on the horizon.
finally. what is the IRC server and irc channels for this phone and/or the dev efforts?
i found this log page. but is this the most active channel?